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Available Online

Edgework Elements Series 2

The perfect way to start your edgework journey

Started 4 Mar
60 British pounds

Service Description

Explore the beautiful art of Edgework with this four week course. Each class will explore fundamental edgework elements, starting with conditioning and mobility, before moving into tricks and skills. You'll learn a variety of spins, breaks, glides, slides and drags, utilising all the edges of your heels, plus a class dedicated to pointework. This course is suitable for those new to edgework, but with some heels experience. You will need to be comfortable with split/bracket grip, and with lifting the weight out of your feet. You do not have to have taken Series One to take this course. You will need a yoga block, a pole and pole heels of not less than 7 inches. 8 inch sandals are recommended. Dates: Tuesday 4th, Tuesday 11th, Monday 17th and Monday 24th March at 12.30 pm UK Recordings will be sent within 24hrs of the class. Please download them within 3 days.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

All online classes are non refundable as a downloadable recording will be sent to all booked participants after the class. The zoom recording must be downloaded within 4 days of receiving it.

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