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The place for all the heels and edgework tutorials! Here you'll find a mix of individual moves. longer flows and a wide selection of edgework offerings. Please see each class for a description and level. All heels and edgework classes require a understanding of beginners pole moves and spins (pirouettes, chair spin etc)


Hour long classes include full warm up, conditioning and cool down. Minis are sequence/move only, so please do your own warm up.

You may wish to allow longer than the tutorial time to work though the material

For my in-depth dive into edgework, please see the Finding The Edge course


Once you have purchased the class:

1. Log On via the members page;

2. Navigate back to the series;

3. Press play on  a video. An arrow should then appear in the bottom right corner.

4. Click the arrow to download.

You may need to be on a laptop or desktop. Please do ensure that you download the tutorial in order to keep it.

Download only available with purchase.

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